Wednesday, February 23, 2011


From the word "Inconspicuous," I would assume something to be unremarkable in every way. Something that's so ordinary you'd walk past it without a second glance and you wouldn't remember it 5 seconds later.

Of course, with a name like "inconspicuous bear," it sticks out like a sore thumb. I found it so amusing I stopped in the middle of questing to take screen shots. Here's my favorite shot of the day:

2 inconspicuous bears sitting in front of a fire... probably complaining about their wives... and all the noob players trying to kill them. I can imagine how their conversation might sound... if they were to have one, anyways.

"So... how many times you died today, Bob?" asked Charlie, the inconspicuous bear on the left.
"Meh... not too many times, only 17 deaths so far." replied Bob with a nonchalant shrug.
"Lucky bastard, I've already respawned 82 times today. I'm just glad I spawned next to the fire this time, my back is killing me." Charlie sighs tiredly. Bob looks up and squares his shoulders with a long suffering sigh.
"Get ready for 83."

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